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Assuming you have it set up right, Windows Search is pretty powerful. Today, we’ll show you how to find files you’ve recently modified, and how to save those searches for quick access any time.

假设您已正确设置,Windows搜索将非常强大。 今天,我们将向您展示如何查找您最近修改的文件,以及如何保存这些搜索以便随时进行访问。

We’re going to be searching directly from File Explorer in this article, though that’s just . There are times you’ll want to search for files that have been recently created or modified. Maybe you recently changed a file, but can’t remember where you saved it. Or maybe you accidentally allowed a third party software installation, and want to locate those files quickly. Whatever the reason, it’s easy enough to find files based on their time stamps.

尽管这只是 ,但我们将直接从File Explorer中 。 有时您会想要搜索最近创建或修改的文件。 也许您最近更改了文件,但不记得您将文件保存在何处。 或者,也许您不小心允许了第三方软件的安装,并希望快速找到这些文件。 不管是什么原因,都非常容易根据其时间戳查找文件。

了解文件时间戳 (Understanding File Time Stamps )

Every file on a Windows system has one or more time stamps. The three primary time stamps you’ll work with include:

Windows系统上的每个文件都有一个或多个时间戳。 您将使用的三个主要时间戳包括:

  • Date Created: The date and time when the current instance of the file was created. This value is set and Windows itself will not change the value. Some third party tools do allow you to change this value.

    创建日期:创建文件的当前实例的日期和时间。 设置了该值,Windows本身不会更改该值。 某些第三方工具确实允许您更改此值。

  • Date Modified: The date and time the file was last written (i.e, when its contents were last modified). Renaming the file doesn’t change this time stamp. Neither does opening the file without making any changes to it.

    修改日期:上次写入文件的日期和时间(即文件的上次修改时间)。 重命名文件不会更改此时间戳。 在不进行任何更改的情况下打开文件也不会。

  • Date Accessed: The date—and on NTFS volumes, the time—when the file was last accessed for either reading or writing.


There are also a number of other times stamps available in Windows that are used on certain file types, or under certain circumstances. For example, a Date Taken time stamp is recorded when images are captured with a camera. Other time stamps may be created and used by certain applications. For example, backup software can make use of a Date Archived time stamp and some office applications make use a Date Completed time stamp to mark a finished document.

Windows中还提供了许多其他时间戳,用于某些文件类型或在某些情况下。 例如,使用相机拍摄图像时会记录拍摄日期时间戳。 某些应用程序可能会创建和使用其他时间戳记。 例如,备份软件可以使用“日期存档”时间戳,而某些办公应用程序可以使用“日期完成”时间戳来标记完成的文档。

在文件资源管理器中查看时间戳 (View Time Stamps in File Explorer )

You can easily view time stamp information for items in File Explorer. To view details for a single file, right-click that file and choose “Properties” from the context menu.

您可以在文件资源管理器中轻松查看项目的时间戳信息。 要查看单个文件的详细信息,请右键单击该文件,然后从上下文菜单中选择“属性”。

In the file’s properties window, switch to the “Details” tab, and then scroll down toward the bottom.


If you want to view the time stamp information for all items at a glance, you can do so in File Explorer’s Details view. In the File Explorer window, on the “View” tab, click the “Details” option. This switches your view to a column layout.

如果您希望一目了然地查看所有项目的时间戳信息,则可以在“文件资源管理器”的“详细信息”视图中查看。 在“文件资源管理器”窗口的“视图”选项卡上,单击“详细信息”选项。 这会将您的视图切换到列布局。

By default, only a column for the “Date Modified” time stamp is shown. To add other time stamps, right-click anywhere on the column header, and then choose the “More” option.

默认情况下,仅显示“修改日期”时间戳的列。 要添加其他时间戳,请右键单击列标题上的任意位置,然后选择“更多”选项。

In the “Choose Details” window, scroll down a bit, and you’ll see a lot of “Date” entries. Choose the ones you want, and then click the “OK” button. Here, we’re just choosing the basic “Date Accessed” and “Date Created” time stamps to add to our File Explorer view.

在“选择详细信息”窗口中,向下滚动一点,您会看到很多“日期”条目。 选择所需的选项,然后单击“确定”按钮。 在这里,我们只是选择基本的“访问日期”和“创建日期”时间戳来添加到“文件资源管理器”视图中。

Back in File Explorer, you can see the new columns have been added. You can drag the column headers around to arrange their position, or click on a header to arrange the files in your window according to that value. Reordering like this makes it very easy to find files you’ve recently accessed or modified.

返回文件浏览器,您可以看到已添加新列。 您可以在周围拖动列标题以安排其位置,或单击标题以根据该值在窗口中排列文件。 这样的重新排序使查找最近访问或修改的文件变得非常容易。

Adding these time stamp columns works great if you know generally what folder you’ve stored a file in, or don’t mind doing a little digging around. But what happens when you’re not sure where you put something you’ve worked on recently, or you just want a broader view of recent files? For that, we’ll turn to Windows Search.

如果您通常都知道将文件存储在哪个文件夹中,或者不介意进行任何挖掘,那么添加这些时间戳列将非常有用。 但是,当您不确定将最近处理过的内容放在哪里时,或者只想更广泛地查看最近的文件时,会发生什么? 为此,我们将转向Windows搜索。

使用Windows搜索查看最新文件 (View Recent Files Using Windows Search )

If you want to see all the recent files on your system, Windows Search is the answer.


Start by opening File Explorer to the top level folder you want to search. For example, selecting your Documents folder searches everything in that folder and all the subfolders it contains. Selecting your C: drive searches everything on that drive. And selecting “This PC” searches everything on all your drives.

首先打开文件资源管理器到要搜索的顶级文件夹。 例如,选择“文档”文件夹将搜索该文件夹中的所有内容及其包含的所有子文件夹。 选择C:驱动器会搜索该驱动器上的所有内容。 然后选择“ This PC”搜索所有驱动器上的所有内容。

File Explorer has a convenient way to search recently modified files built right into the “Search” tab on the Ribbon. Switch to the “Search” tab, click the “Date Modified” button, and then select a range. If you don’t see the “Search” tab, click once in the search box and it should appear.

File Explorer提供了一种便捷的方法来搜索功能区上“搜索”选项卡中内置的最近修改的文件。 切换到“搜索”选项卡,单击“修改日期”按钮,然后选择一个范围。 如果您没有看到“搜索”标签,请在搜索框中单击一次,它应该会出现。

Here, we’ve performed a search for files modified in the last week.


Note that selecting this command automatically entered search terms into the search box in the File Explorer window (outlined in red in the screenshot above). You can these search terms yourself if you prefer to just type your search.

请注意,选择此命令会自动在“文件资源管理器”窗口的搜索框中输入搜索词(在上面的屏幕快照中以红色标记)。 如果您只想输入搜索字词,则可以自己输入这些搜索字词。

In the File Explorer window, type “datemodified:” into the search box. You can also type “datecreated:” or “dateaccessed:” into the box if you want to search by those values instead. The moment you type the colon after the field you’re searching by, a popup appears that you can use to narrow your search. Select a specific date on the calendar, hold the Control key down while clicking to select a date range, or select one of the preconfigured ranges listed under the calendar.

在文件资源管理器窗口中,在搜索框中键入“ datemodified:”。 如果要搜索这些值,也可以在框中键入“ datecreated:”或“ dateaccessed:”。 在要搜索的字段之后键入冒号的那一刻,将出现一个弹出窗口,您可以用来缩小搜索范围。 在日历上选择一个特定的日期,单击以按住Control键的同时选择一个日期范围,或选择日历下列出的预配置范围之一。

You can also continue typing your dates or ranges instead of using the popup. You can type in any of those preconfigured ranges (today, yesterday, this week, and so on) right after the “datemodified:” search term. An example search might look like this:

您也可以继续输入日期或范围,而不使用弹出窗口。 您可以在“ datemodified:”搜索词之后输入任何这些预先配置的范围(今天,昨天,本周等)。 搜索示例如下所示:

datemodified:last week

You could also type a specific date using regular date formats. The specific formats you can use depend on how your system is set up, but if you’re set up with United States date formats, you can use several variations. For example, to search for files modified on February 8, 2018, you could type the following search:

您也可以使用常规日期格式键入特定日期。 可以使用的特定格式取决于系统的设置方式,但是如果使用美国日期格式设置,则可以使用多种变体。 例如,要搜索2018年2月8日修改的文件,您可以键入以下搜索:


You could also use:



or even:


datemodified:Feburary, 8 2018

And to type a date range, just use two dates separated by two periods. For example, to search for files modified between February 6 and 8, 2018, you would use:

并键入日期范围,只需使用两个日期,并用两个句点分隔即可。 例如,要搜索在2018年2月6日至8日之间修改的文件,可以使用:


保存搜索以更轻松地访问 (Save Searches For Easier Access)

Performing searches for recent files is pretty straightforward, but if you want to make things even easier, you’ll be happy to know that you can  so that you can quickly repeat them later. Check out our article on the subject for the full procedure, but here’s the short version. After performing a search, return to the “Search” tab in File Explorer, and click the “Save Search” button.

对最近的文件执行搜索非常简单,但是如果您想使事情变得更容易,您将很高兴知道可以以便以后可以快速重复 。 请查看我们关于该主题的文章以获取完整过程,但这是简短版本。 执行搜索后,返回到文件资源管理器中的“搜索”选项卡,然后单击“保存搜索”按钮。

By default, searches are saved in a folder named “Searches” that you can find inside your user folder—typically at “C:\users\<username>\”—though you can save a search anywhere you like. (In Windows 7, they’re saved in the “Favorites” folder.)

默认情况下,搜索保存在名为“搜索”的文件夹中,您可以在用户文件夹中找到该文件夹​​(通常在“ C:\ users \ <用户名> \”中),尽管您可以将搜索保存在任意位置。 (在Windows 7中,它们保存在“收藏夹”文件夹中。)

The Searches folder is a convenient enough place to store them, but it’s even handier if you right-click the folder and choose “Pin to Quick access” from the context menu. Then, it’ll show up in File Explorer’s left sidebar.

Searches文件夹足够方便地存储它们,但是如果右键单击该文件夹并从上下文菜单中选择“ Pin to Quick access”,它甚至更方便。 然后,它将显示在文件资源管理器的左侧栏中。


After that, all you have to do is select a saved search to run it again immediately.




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